Blog For Sale, Page Rank: 2 Contact me: +923218850840, Mail me:

Thinking Beyound Rank To Another

Aside from that, Search Engine Optimization is just technique and timing. What happens next is the site either reaches page 1, requires many fine tuning (2 other on page or off page elements) or takes longer than expected (due 2 vacillations in search algorithms, lack of trust or authority or a friendly battle or 2 with competi2rs (who are also trying 2 reach the same precipice 4 that keyword).

Regardless of your budget or the amount of time required, you need 2 have a conversion objective fr each page be4e you even target a keyword or phrase. You should NOT be thinking of SEO if you have no idea which actions are critical 4 conversions on your website.

What are some common conversion goals?

  1. Selling a product or service directly
  2. Filling out a contact 4m (potential lead gen revenue)
  3. Picking up the phone (2 close a sale)
  4. Subscribing 2 a newsletter, RSS feed (2 enter them in2 your list so you can drip on prospects over time with offers, links or related products or services)
  5. Sending that visi2r 2 another website (via affiliate links or paid ads)

Regardless of why or what you are going 2 do with that traffic, SEO is merely one means (a very cost effective means) 2 reach more targeted users online.